Call for Papers zur Tagung “Advanced Battery Power – Kraftwerk Batterie” offen
Call for Papers zur Tagung “Advanced Battery Power – Kraftwerk Batterie” offen Deadline ist der 31.10.2021 Auf der internationalen Fachtagung „Advanced Battery Power – Kraftwerk Batterie“, die am 29. und 30. März 2022 im Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münsterland in Münster stattfindet, treffen Wissenschaft und Industrie aufeinander, um aktuellste Erkenntnisse entlang des gesamten Wertschöpfungskreislaufs […]

We Advance Battery Research. EL-CELL develops laboratory equipment for research of energy storage systems, with particular focus on lithium-ion technology and supercapacitors. We are distinguished by our expertise in electrochemistry and mechanical engineering as well as our eager ambition to develop innovative products. We strongly believe that reliable and simple 3-electrode measurements are the most […]
ACCURE – Battery Intelligence GmbH

ACCURE Battery Intelligence GmbH Cloud-based battery analytics software Safe, reliable, and sustainable ACCURE Battery Intelligence emerged from the largest European research group for battery systems at RWTH Aachen University. ACCURE combines cutting-edge research with a practical understanding of the industry’s challenges to deploy, operate and recycle batteries safely and effectively. Today, more than 30 battery […]
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific Pack more power into longer-lasting energy sources Thermo Fisher Scientific supplies innovative solutions for the world’s battery manufacturing industry, from research and development to production. Our analytical solutions, including microCT, scanning electron microscopes, DualBeam, transmission electron microscopes and XPS, enable researchers to investigate the critical structural and chemical information they need from […]

ELEKTROMOBILITÄTSLABOR (eLab) DER RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY ELEKTROMOBILPRODUKTION EINFACH MITERFORSCHEN Das Elektromobilitätslabor (eLab) bietet eine offene Infrastruktur zur Erforschung der Elektromobilität. Von der Technologieentwicklung über das Testing bis hin zum fertigen Prototypen können Unternehmen vom eLab profitieren. Die Ressourcen des eLab können angemietet und flexibel genutzt werden. Die RWTH Aachen als Betreiber des eLab steht mit […]
Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG

Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG Innovativer Partner für Ihre Batterieentwicklung der kommenden Generationen Ihr Partner für Projekte mit dem BMBF 2020 und BMWi – z.B. Li-Ionen-Batterien, SSE-Batterien, Li-S-Batterien, Li-Air-Batterien Entwickeln Sie Materialien für hochenergiedichte Anoden- und Kathoden? Wollen sie Anoden- und Kathoden- Folien auf eine Leitfolie (z.B. Aluminium) extrudieren? Sind Sie auf dem Gebiet der […]
Safion GmbH

Know your batteries Smart screening & selection solutions to redefine your quality assessment Visit our website LinkedIn +49 (0) 241 475 921 24 Safion GmbH Innovative battery measurement elecronics and diagnosis software We precisely evaluate the quality of batteries in a matter of seconds. Our high-throughput battery screening system, based on online Electrochemical Impedance […]

INFICON GmbH in Cologne is one of the world’s leading developers, producers and suppliers of instruments and devices for leak testing. The leak detectors are used in demanding industrial processes in production and quality control and cover a wide range of applications. INFICON’s main customers are manufacturers and service companies for air conditioning and refrigeration […]
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co KG

Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co KG Tradition and Innovation – since 1863 Preparation technologies for lithium-ion batteries From the world-market leader for preparation systems in the lead-acid battery field The preparation of battery pastes ranks among the most demanding of tasks in the mixing technology field. For this very reason, technologies from the EIRICH […]

Sciospec Scientific Instruments GmbH Impedance analyzers & potentiostatsMassive multichannel scalable & OEM available Sciospec specializes in solutions for electrical impedance spectroscopy and other electrochemical techniques. We offer a broad range of impedance analyzers and Potentio-/Galvanostats, but we are not a typical lab instrument manufacturer. With Sciospec it´s all about the technology platform underneath the instruments. […]