Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific Pack more power into longer-lasting energy sources Thermo Fisher Scientific supplies innovative solutions for the world’s battery manufacturing industry, from research and development to production. Our analytical solutions, including microCT, scanning electron microscopes, DualBeam, transmission electron microscopes and XPS, enable researchers to investigate the critical structural and chemical information they need from […]
rhd instruments

/wp-content/video/CompreDrive-Video_schematisch_HD-komprimiert.mp4Play video in full screen mode/wp-content/video/CompreDrive-Video_schematisch_HD-komprimiert.mp4 rhd instruments the electrochemistry experts. rhd instruments is committed to supporting academic and industrial research around the globe by designing flexible, high-quality solutions to characterize a wide variety of materials for energy storage devices and other electrochemical applications. rhd’s portfolio encompasses setups for measuring small sample amounts under precise […]