Best Poster Award Ceremony at the Evening Reception

Poster Price of 1,500 Euro for the three best scientific posters. The poster award presentation is one of the traditional highlights of the conference „Advanced Battery Power“ which was held in Aachen/Germany this year. Traditionally Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer and Prof. Dr. Martin Winter hosted the ceremony. The first prize came with a purse […]

Jeff Dahn won an award!

Jeff Dahn, working at Dalhousie University, Canada, is the winner of NSERC’s 2017 Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering doted with 1 million $. In 2016,  Tesla Motors created a five-year partnership with NSERC and Dalhousie University, forming the NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, headed by Dahn. Jeff Dahn will be one of […]