High-Voltage-Safe Digital Temperature Measuring System for the Verification and Characterization of HV Batteries

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Batteries are of central importance to electric vehicles. Their temperature behavior has to be investigated precisely and temperature models have to be verified. For the development of suitable temperature management systems, the thermal behavior of all components within the battery housing must be known. The thermal characterization of high-voltage batteries requires precise temperature measurements down to cell level with a large number of sensors. Temperature sensors need to be positioned as exactly as possible and grouted or pressed between single cells. They also need to be miniaturized, highly accurate, robust and fail-safe. 300-400 measurement points are common for a typical test scenario in a HV battery. The cable access for the sensors into the HV battery must be as small and space-saving as possible and high-voltage safe.
The Digital Temperature Measurement System HV DTEMP from CSM meets all requirements. The CSM system is extremely compact and easy adaptable to different battery, module and cell geometries. With the IC (Integrated Circuit) temperature sensors, the temperatures within the high-voltage battery are also acquired at cell level. Many IC temperature sensors can be daisy chained as a group directly on an ultra-thin flexible circuit between cells. Controller Modules transmit the digital signals to the Central Unit, which sends the measured values to the DAQ via a CAN bus.
It enables fail-safe acquisition of 512 temperatures with only one high-voltage-safe connection cable to the external DTEMP-P Central Unit outside the HV battery.
The CSM HV DTEMP temperature measuring system is patent application pending.

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