Dr. Falko Schappacher
MEET – Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology,
WWU Münster
Corrensstraße 46
48149 Münster
At the MEET Battery Research Center at Münster University (WWU) Falko Schappacher has been managing director since 2016. After attaining his doctorate degree (2008) in inorganic solid state chemistry, he gained many years of experience in different positions at the WWU and the MEET Battery Research Center. Since he started his position at the MEET Battery Research Center he initiated and managed several public and industry funded projects. Falko Schappacher has been involved in more than 50 scientific publications and numerous conference presentations.
Focus of research: Aging of Lithium ion batteries, Scanning Electron Microscopy and EDX, X-ray diffraction, Mößbauer-spectroscopy
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