Prof. Dr. Venkat Viswanathan
Carnegie Mellon University
Associate professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering (courtesy), Physics (courtesy), Chemical Engineering (courtesy)
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh PA 15213
Twitter: @venkvis
Venkat Viswanathan is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his PhD at Stanford University in 2013 and subsequently spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT. At Carnegie Mellon, he leads an interdisciplinary group comprising of ~30 researchers working on technologies that can accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation and aviation. He is a recipient of numerous awards including the Office of Naval Resarch (ONR) Young Investigator Award, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry, National Science Foundation CAREER award and MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35. He has broad expertise in materials related to Li-ion batteries, next-generation technologies such as solid-state batteries, Li-air batteries. He is also an expert on the topic of synergies between autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles. He has been technical consultant for several startups.
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